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The Illinois AgriNews and Indiana AgriNews editorial staff is in the field each week, covering topics that affect local farm families and their businesses. Some of the topics the staff reports on include crop and livestock management, agribusiness and new products, market information and national and state political issues. Their work earned the prestigious Meritorious Service in Communication Award from the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers in 2007. With field editors working throughout Illinois and Indiana, AgriNews readers receive news tailored to their farm areas every week. Local producers also share their stories each week on the newspaper's From the Fields and From the Barns pages. Rotating each week, weekly special sections include PorkNews, BeefNews, Farm Family Life and MoneyNews. The newspaper also publishes more than 20 special sections during the year. Since its inception, AgriNews' goal has remained the same. It still is focused on reporting events - both big and small - that impact the lives of farm families.

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United States of America




Company Category: Lighting

Company Sector: Publication


Partner Status: Free Company Listing


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