HerdDogg and National Bison Association Partner to Deliver In-Field Livestock Management for Bison Producers

National Bison Association leverages HerdDogg’s technology to deploy mobile app that will help producers better understand herd health

HerdDogg, an innovator of precision livestock and remote animal health, has partnered with the National Bison Association to deliver the NBA Bison Producer's app. The application was custom-designed by HerdDogg to serve the thousands of bison producers and the more than 350,000 estimated bison in the United States today.

"HerdDogg was a stand-out among the candidates that applied for our project because HerdDogg supports a wider array of species on their platform. Bison are a unique and special animal, and we wanted to make sure we were working with a partner that wasn't just all dairy or all beef, but was willing to learn the nuances of bison health and wellness," said Dave Carter, executive director of the National Bison Association. "HerdDogg's deep domain experience in animal data—both automated and user-driven—provides them a unique perspective on how best to approach managing data on animal-to-human interaction in the field."

Founded in 2015 by Melissa Brandao, HerdDogg markets a patented IoT-based system that includes DoggTags™, DoggDoTs ear tags and the cloud-connected DoggBone™ readers that gather proximity, biometrics, and behavioral insights for a herd. HerdDogg's mobile and web app was recently significantly enhanced to provide state of the art tracking of livestock and to manage in-field workflows and data gateways to third-party apps for improved sharing.

"HerdDogg is honored to be able to work with the National Bison Association," said Melissa Brandao, CEO & founder of HerdDogg. "The American bison is a beautiful and majestic animal, and the producers that work with them are dedicated group focused on preserving their way of life; their genetics, their wellbeing and the lands where they roam. We are glad to be a part of that experience and contribute in this small way to that legacy."

About National Bison Association
The National Bison Association (NBA), based in Westminster, Colorado, is a breed association of producers, processors, marketers and bison enthusiasts. Our mission is to bring together stakeholders to celebrate the heritage of American bison, to educate and to create a sustainable future for our industry and analyze data to better mitigate risk in their bison operation. The vision of the NBA is a community bound by the heritage of the American Bison. The NBA Bison producer's app can be downloaded and used for livestock production as part of a membership in the National Bison Association, for more information visit bisoncentral.com.

About HerdDogg
Headquartered in Ashland, Oregon, HerdDogg Inc. is a venture-backed agtech startup focused on increasing herd welfare by deriving unparalleled insights into key indicators of animal health and well-being. The HerdDogg system provides rapid and accurate breeding, animal health tracking and traceability insights on individual animals, whether in the barn or pasture. HerdDogg reduces labor costs while increasing herd productivity and sustainability. For more information, visit herddogg.com.

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