IoT America Unveils First IoT Soil Monitoring Managed Services for Rural America

Initial managed services offering provides solutions that track soil moisture and temperature for golf courses, city parks, universities and all types of crops such as orchards, vineyards, row crops, soft-fruits and horticultural land use for bulbs, flowers and tree care.

Internet of Things America LLC (IoT America), a pioneer of IoT managed services for underserved areas, today announced the launch of the nation's first IoT Soil Monitoring Managed Services. These managed services are based on precision agriculture solutions and are designed to support rural businesses of all sizes in agriculture, oil and gas, transportation, healthcare, education, sports and municipalities.

The initial managed services offering provides solutions that track soil moisture and temperature for golf courses, city parks, universities and all types of crops such as orchards, vineyards, row crops, soft-fruits and horticultural land use for bulbs, flowers and tree care.

The key to IoT America's soil monitoring solution is in the data it provides. The dashboard delivers decision-making information for irrigation, including enabling water consumption reductions of up to 30%, reduced manual labor costs and decreases in the number of irrigation checks.

"We are passionate in addressing the connectivity and technology needs of those living and working in rural communities," said Pete DeNagy, president of IoT America. "As a managed service provider, IoT America brings the relationships, experience and know-how for our clients to easily leverage the incredible benefits of the IoT. These services enable precision agriculture and other innovative solutions that deliver a rapid return on investment, improve operations and conserve valuable resources."

IoT America is leveraging a technology-agnostic approach to solving connectivity needs, including the implementation of low-power wide area network (LPWAN) technology. This network, based on the LoRaWAN technology of the worldwide LoRa Alliance, enables cost savings and energy efficiency features utilized in rapid implementation and ongoing management of IoT solutions.

"By leveraging our suite of soil managed services and becoming a true partner to our clients, our proven technology allows them to concentrate on what matters most to their business," said Peter Lai, director of solutions for IoT America. "IoT America's Soil Monitoring Managed Services is yet another example of how we are bringing solutions to our customers that address critical issues with proven technology."

IoT America is focusing on the launch of IoT Soil Managed Services initially on specialty farms and golf courses. IoT America Soil Managed Services can also ensure specialty farms will have access to the latest and most innovative precision agriculture solutions to optimize operations and increase yields. Golf courses can now better conserve water resources by monitoring soil moisture remotely using an app on a phone or tablet, keeping courses green and irrigated efficiently.

About Internet of Things America LLC
IoT America is a managed services provider that is redefining the wireless ecosystem and extending innovative technologies to rural America. As a managed service provider, we help customers access the data they need to make actionable decisions to boost efficiency, increase yields, reduce costs and conserve valuable resources. Because we believe technology should pay for itself, our IoT solutions generate greater revenue for clients by combining wireless communication, data analytics and artificial intelligence. Visit for more information.

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