Grōv Technologies and California-Based River Ranch Dairy Enter Definitive Agreement to Build World-Class Automated Indoor Feed Production Center
Located in Central Valley California near Tulare's annual World Ag Expo, River Ranch Dairy will become a showcase for Grōv's sustainable dairy feed technology
Today, Grōv Technologies announced it has signed a definitive sales agreement with River Ranch Dairy to help further their goal of becoming more sustainable and drought resistant through the adoption of Grōv's automated indoor feed technology. Under the terms of the agreement River Ranch will purchase an on-premises indoor vertical animal feed production center which will produce fresh Grōv HDN Superfeed™, using less than 5% of the water of traditional farming.
At the core of the Grōv-River Ranch Feed Center will be the Olympus Tower Farm platform. One Olympus Tower takes up only 857 square feet and can produce 6,000 pounds of Grōv HDN Superfeed daily, replacing between 35-50 acres of farmland, using zero herbicides or pesticides.
"Reducing both our water usage and becoming more sustainable is essential for the long-term economic health of our farm and the environment," said Jack de Jong, River Ranch Dairy owner and operator. "In addition to sustainability, the health and welfare of our animals is one of our top priorities. We believe feeding our animals Grōv's clean fresh "Superfeed" wheatgrass holds the promise to boost the health and productivity of our herd."
The River Ranch Dairy is home to 10,000 animals located in California's Central Valley, the highest and most concentrated milk production area in the U.S. The five-county region has over 1.3 million cows. The new Grōv-River Ranch Feed Center will be located near the annual World Ag Expo in Tulare, California, attracting over 100,000 visitors, conveniently showcasing Grōv's technology to visitors from around the globe.
"As changing climates and water shortages increase, dairy and beef farmers will need to be equipped with technology and science that will help them feed growing populations and also care for the health and welfare of their animals," said Steve Lindsley, president of Grōv Technologies. "We are honored to welcome Jack, who comes from a rich heritage of dairy and Ag expertise, to the Grōv family."
The Grōv-River Ranch Dairy Feed Center is currently in the permitting and design phase with completion anticipated later this year.
In ongoing trials conducted over the past year, dairy animals that were fed with Grōv HDN Superfeed maintained milk production while eating less dry matter, thus improving overall feed efficiency. Trials were conducted at Bateman Mosida Farms, Utah's largest dairy.
For more information about Grōv Technologies and its Olympus Tower Farm, please visit Grōv welcomes individuals who want to come visit their facility, as long as they follow social distancing guidelines.
About Grōv Technologies, LLC
Grōv Technologies is pioneering automated controlled environment agriculture (CEA) science and technology to help meet the demands of global food security. The company has developed enterprise scale systems and growing protocols to consistently produce high-density nutrient feed, or HDN Superfeed™. Grōv enables operators to sustainably grow feed, improve animal health, produce better products and increase profits. Grōv is wholly owned by Nu Skin Enterprises, Inc. (NYSE: NUS), which empowers innovative companies with sustainable solutions, opportunities, technologies, and life-improving values.
Grōv™, Grōv HDN Superfeed™ and Olympus Tower Farm™, are trademarks of Grōv Technologies™.