KROHNE’s PipePatrol Health Check Program Improves Overall Pipeline Operations
Evaluating and Guiding Pipeline Operators in the compliance requirements, selection, integration and management of leak detection technologies and methodologies
Beverly, MA: KROHNE, a world-leading manufacturer and supplier of solutions in industrial process instrumentation, announces the PipePatrol Health Check Program to support pipeline operators in the compliance requirements, selection, integration and management of leak detection technologies and methodologies. The program is built upon KROHNE's four decades of international experience in pipeline leak detection and supports operators using all types and makes of detection technology.
Leak detection is a mission critical capability for pipeline operators and increased public attention to safety and environmental concerns have led to more stringent regulatory requirements. The PipePatrol Health Check program responds to these needs by providing a systematic and comprehensive analysis that is available in three components: The Snapshot, the Checklist, and the Company Readiness Review.
The Snapshot analyzes the design of the pipeline's leak detection implementation, starting with an examination of the pipeline itself, including the topology, pipeline material, wall thickness, fluid transported, and the likely consequences of leaks. techniques. The analysis satisfies the PHMSA and 49 CFR 195.444 requirements mandating a process for evaluating leak detection capabilities.
The Checklist advises the operator on establishing a strategy that achieves continuous improvement of leak detection performance, consistent with API 1175 and is part of a leak detection strategy. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are measured against the operator's desired performance, industry best practice and Best Available Technology (BAT).
The Company Readiness Review analyzes alarm management and response procedures, based upon actual, past leak events, with the overall goal of identifying opportunities for improvement.
Find more details KROHNE's PipePatrol Health Check Program, visit
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KROHNE is a worldwide technological leader in the development, manufacture and distribution of accurate, reliable and cost-effective measuring instruments for the process industries. KROHNE focuses on forming partnerships with its customers to provide them with the most reliable and innovative solutions available in the marketplace. For more information about KROHNE's complete line of measuring instrumentation for the process industries, contact KROHNE at 1-800-FLOWING (978-535-6060 in MA); fax: (978) 535-1720, email:, Twitter, Linked IN or visit