Combining solar panels and agriculture makes land more productive

Karen Graham for Digital Journal:  Solar farms are sprouting up everywhere, and large utility-scale solar projects can take up a lot of space. This can present a problem in densely populated countries where the loss of farmland in favor of solar panels means less food is grown.

Some utility-scale solar projects have been built that take advantage of the surface of the ocean and lakes as an alternative to using more land. However, researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute For Solar Energy Systems have conducted an experiment near Lake Constance — which borders Germany, Lichtenstein, and Switzerland, that may provide another solution.

An agrophotovoltaics (APV) pilot project conducted at Lake Constance has proven that farming and the use of solar panels can be compatible. This dual use of land is not only efficient but reduces the competition for land while providing additional income for farmers.  Full Article:

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