Smart irrigation scheme cuts water use and boosts crop yields – scientists

BT:  A “smart” precision irrigation system developed by UK scientists could cut water use and boost crop yields in parts of the world facing water shortages, they said.

The micro-irrigation system, which is being trialled on a farm in Tamil Nadu, southern India, has cut water use by up to 80% and doubled the yields of some crops, the scientists from Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh said.

Local farmers’ knowledge on irrigation and soil conditions for different crops is fed into a cloud-based system and is combined with highly localised accurate weather forecasts and other information including soil moisture and grid outages.

These are used to continually refine an irrigation schedule which ensures eight crops – okra, lettuce, basil, basella, pumpkin, corn, rocket and long beans – get the right volume of water at the right time.  Full Article:

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