Illumitex Expands FarmVisionAI™ Platform to Support Widest Range of CEA Grow Facilities
Illumitex, the digital horticulture company, is expanding their FarmVisionAI platform to support broad deployment into almost any Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) facility, with or without lighting. FarmVisionAI uses high resolution cameras, deployed granularly at scale, to capture high-resolution images of every plant, that you own. Horticulturist directed, machine-learning artificial-intelligence analyses these images to help understand what's happening on the farm, near real-time. The FarmVisionAI platform performs three main functions with this imagery; visualization (FarmWatch™), scouting (Digital Scout™), and predicting (Harvest Predict™).
FarmWatch™ is a visualization tool that tiles every image into a satellite-style photograph that is updated hourly. The application enables zoom, drag, pan, and navigation with an embedded mini-map for quick and easy visual interaction with all your plant images from anywhere you can connect to the internet.
Digital Scout™ is a collection of horticulturally supervised (human-in-the-loop), deep learning, object-detection AI models that find and categorize nutritional deficiencies, flower counts and flower sizes. Illumitex is continually adding new high-value models such as wilt and mildew detection. Each model is easily accessible through a drop-down menu.
Harvest Predict™ uses a convolution neural network (CNN) for image classification and when trained with the massive collection of pictures, produces predictions and estimates of how well your current crop is progressing.
"Illumitex has been transforming from delivering photons to delivering high-value information," said Jeff Bisberg, Illumitex CEO. "We believe near-real time data on the performance of the plants is the missing link that will finally enable digital transformation, and all the benefits it brings, in the controlled environment agriculture space."
"Unlike any other system, FarmVisionAI can work in just about any CEA facility from the tight quarters of vertical farms, to warehouse grows, to high-volume Dutch greenhouses. We are even looking at outdoor deployments," said Dennis Riling VP of Business Development at Illumitex. "We give you peace of mind by letting you see every single plant so you can actually trust your own eyes."
FarmVisionAI is designed to supplement your scouting efforts to identify and mitigate a wide range of potentially serious problems that cause crop loss and can be identified through color or morphological distortions. These may include; microclimates, pests, mildew, mold, fungus, viruses, diseases, nutritional deficiencies, operational failures, wilt, sanitation issues, weeds, clogged irrigation lines. FarmVisionAI is almost like scouting your entire farm every hour at a millimeter resolution.
About Illumitex, Inc.: With more than a decade of field proven experience in both LED lighting and horticultural science you can trust Illumitex will help your greenhouse or farm improve yields, quality, and savings.
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