Hands-Free Cultivation at Fresh Local Produce of Ohio

The fully automated growing system for hydroponic baby leaf lettuce has been installed at Fresh Local Produce of Ohio and is already producing fresh, tasty and sustainable leafy greens for local distribution in Ohio, Pennsylvania and Indiana.

Coronavirus Has Highlighted the Problems in Supermarket Supply: IDTechEx Asks if Vertical Farming Could Be the Solution

The coronavirus pandemic has highlighted wider concerns about the security of the notoriously complex supply chains that modern supermarkets rely on. There are several middlemen standing in between the farmer and the consumer.

Creating a Sustainable Future for the Chesapeake Bay Watershed and Its People

University of Maryland College of Agriculture and Natural Resources leads soil health, nutrient management, and water quality efforts in a rigorous 5-year study to develop environmentally sustainable agricultural systems in Maryland and the Chesapeake Bay Watershed.

Clayton & McKervey offers tips for business survival during COVID-19, including utilization of "rolling 13-week cash flow analysis"

The realities presented by the COVID-19 health crisis have businesses focused on survival. The most important step to take after ensuring the safety of the team is to protect the company's cash position to the degree that's possible.

IDTechEx Asks If Vertical Farming Can Revolutionise Global Agriculture

Supporters of vertical farming claim it could revolutionise global food production, practically eliminating food miles by enabling crop growth right next to urban population centres, paving the way for the future of smart cities.


New global land use mapping, jet stream led forecasting and novel ag insurance to off-set price volatility to be discussed at Agri-TechE event 'De-risking Agriculture Through Weather-Tech'

XAG Resumes Work and Drone Production to Aid Spring Planting, as China Steadily Recovers from Coronavirus Outbreak

To prepare for the upcoming spring planting season, XAG has therefore launched a Supply Chain Relief Initiative that helps its supplier partners resume production and improve industry efficiency.

Members of World-leading UK Agri-Tech Association Visit St. Louis, See Tremendous Opportunities within the Ag Coast of America

"Ag products and other commodities can get from the St. Louis region to 70% of the U.S. in just two days via truck," Wilmsmeyer said.

InSpire Transpiration Solutions Advances Energy Efficiency in Cannabis Cultivation with Sustainable Dehumidification System

Leading HVAC equipment manufacturer utilizes patent-pending multi coil technology to help cultivators boost revenues, mitigate risk and reduce operating expenses

Project Deccan A Helping Hand To The Farmer's In Baramati

FarmERP has provided its entire platform to the Phoenix Group. The data captured through the software is collected and provided to the group which is then analyzed and managed over their platform.


Can we really feed 40,000 people with a 'SkyFarm'? Or will everyone in London have a 'Personal Food Computer' by 2040? These are the sorts of provocative questions being posed ahead of the upcoming Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) conference.

From Steel To Sustainability: Gotham Greens Opens Greenhouse In Baltimore

Company's greenhouse-grown produce now on grocery shelves throughout the Mid-Atlantic Region for the first time

Illumitex Pivots to a Pure-Play AgTech FarmVisionAIâ„¢ Company

Illumitex terminates LED lighting operations to accelerate FarmVisionAIâ„¢, a computer-vision artificial-intelligence platform uniquely enabling the digital transformation of indoor farming

The changing face of global agriculture and its impact on the demand for humic acid

Humic substances play an essential role in building a nutritious soil system which significantly contribute towards development of more resilient plants.

Next Generation of Greenhouses May Be Fully Solar Powered

Many greenhouses could become energy neutral by using see-through solar panels to harvest energy - primarily from the wavelengths of light that plants don't use for photosynthesis.

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Cree LED J Series® JB3030C E & F Class White LEDs

Cree LED J Series® JB3030C E & F Class White LEDs

Introducing our cutting-edge J Series® JB3030C E & F Class White LEDs, featuring industry-leading LED efficiency up to 242 LPW or 3.33 PPF/W typical. Sharing the same high-reliability package, the two performance options of E & F Class allow luminaire manufacturers to boost performance for high efficacy lighting in outdoor areas, indoor harsh environments and horticulture applications. J Series JB3030C LEDs are an easy design choice: footprint compatible with 301B/H, available LM-80 data, and a full range of color temperatures (2700-6500K) and CRIs (70-80-90). Upgrade your lighting with unmatched performance and durability.