Vision and Viability in Agtech

While there may not be as many people trying to 'build their own' as in 2017, the heavy investment in AgTech is sparking a round of products and inventions that will never be viable because they lack a vision and connection to the farmer from day one.

Precision Irrigation Scheduling: Can We Cross The Chasm? (Part 3)

As the grower, trusted advisor, and the technologist move to a suite of precision technologies from the early adopter stage to the mainstream majority, we can get the next wave of innovation in the hands of the early adopters and the chasm will be crossed sooner than later.

The 2019 AUVSI XPONENTIAL Trade Show

AUSVI XPONENTIAL brings together the entire unmanned systems community to share ideas and learn about the emerging trends of unmanned technology.

RIO Investment Partners Launches New Agri-Food Venture Capital Fund

RIO invests in all aspects of the agri-food tech continuum from agricultural productivity to novel protein technologies to healthy foods.

Investing in ag? Look to Global AgInvesting's conferences for insight

Global AgInvesting New York is the world's preeminent gathering of agriculture investment stakeholders where more than 700 attendees will converge for a comprehensive overview of the ag investment landscape and a clear idea of where the real money is moving in the space.

Silicon Valley-based FarmWise Collaborates With Roush To Manufacture Autonomous Robots In Michigan

As growers are looking for new ways to optimize crop production, San Francisco-based FarmWise leverages the latest advances in artificial intelligence and robotics to offer plant-level farming as-a-service.

XPRIZE Identifies 10 Future Breakthroughs Required to Protect Our Forests

XPRIZE designs and operates global competitions to incentivize the development of technological breakthroughs that accelerate humanity toward a better future.

Precision Irrigation Scheduling: Should We Have A Problem? (Part 2)

We'll focus on three major sources of data that are used in various degrees for irrigation scheduling support. My premise here is that these data sources have not remained static but have indeed improved significantly over time.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution

For agricultural and biological engineers this new industrial era vindicates what we have been pursuing all along, and it shines a spotlight on our role in addressing one of humanity's grand challenges: designing resilient and sustainable food systems for the planet.

Precision Irrigation Scheduling: We Have A Problem

Precision agriculture technologies, particularly irrigation technologies, are still trying to prove their worth to producers in a way that would make them willing to leave the old ways behind to explore these new technologies for field operations.

AgBots: The Fourth Agricultural Revolution, Ready to Take Over Farms

In a nutshell, by bringing artificial intelligence and around-the-clock activity, the robots will help optimize the yield of the farms far beyond what could humanly be possible. Maximizing the production while minimizing the costs in energy, water, time.

Farm Dog, John Deere, and ADAMA Unveil Mobile-to-Sprayer Integration Solution

This integration removes communication hand-off costs and risk, ensuring that everybody responsible for keeping fields healthy is aligned in real-time.

MiR500 Mobile Cobots Make Traffic Safer in Kverneland's Factory

"The robot saves at least five hours in transport time a week, and the working day is quieter and calmer," Broberg said. "I already take 15,000 to 17,000 steps a day in my job, so I definitely don't miss the walk to the pallet stacker."

Four Ways AgTech is Securing the Future of Food

With many on-farm processes being repetitive, occurring at inconvenient times of the day or night, and having adverse effects on worker health and safety, the agricultural sector has the opportunity to develop and use autonomous machinery on-farm.

Indigo Agriculture Launches Indigo Transport™, a Digital Logistics Platform to Expand Options for Growers and Streamline the Agriculture Supply Chain

Indigo Transport manages the pick-up, transportation, and delivery of grain between shipper and buyer. By offering a network of independent carriers for transporting grain around the country, the platform enables growers to accept the best bid for their crop.

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Precision Farming - Featured Product

igus® - Avoid corrosion & reduce wear with plastic parts

igus® - Avoid corrosion & reduce wear with plastic parts

Heavy-duty applications require components that can withstand harsh conditions, exposure to dirt and dust, high loads, and more. Heavy-duty bearings and cable carriers from igus® meet these requirements while eliminating the need for external lubricants. igus' cable carriers offer a superior solution to cable management than festoons or cable reels, and igus' plain bearings can withstand high edge loads and surface pressures of up to 36,260 psi.