Designing Flood-Resilient Agricultural Infrastructure

Agricultural infrastructure could be a safety net for crops regardless of location. What are the most effective and accessible installations to make as soon as possible in light of the advancing climate crisis?

How Growers Are Future-proofing With Flexibility and Innovation

Although each vertical farm is uniquely built to overcome local challenges and to meet specific goals, the advantages of farming vertically are universally evident: space efficiency, hyper-locality to consumers, and water conservation stand out among a plethora of benefits.

4 Ways to Maximize Grow Room Square Footage

Staying competitive means maximizing your available grow room space. Cannabis cultivators and indoor food producers who can increase yields without sacrificing product quality or adding square footage are on the path to increased ROI.

2022 Top Article - A Guide To Planning A Commercial Aquaponics Greenhouse

While an enticing opportunity, planning a commercial aquaponics greenhouse requires a detailed business plan and a clear understanding of your goals.

Building a Project Plan for Commercial Grow Facility Design

The most important elements to consider in your design are the interactions between what we call the 3 P's-people, plants, and products. Carefully calculate factors like fertigation, HVAC, staff, and technology.

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The smartest dynamic LED grow light solution.

The smartest dynamic LED grow light solution.

We set the standard in LED grow lights. No other grow light solution rivals Sollum's performance, thanks to innovation such as unmatched automatic dimming of light intensity and spectral in real time. Whether you grow specialty or mass market produce and all options in between, we have a cost-effective, environmentally friendly and fully supported LED grow light solution to fulfill your business needs.