Guarding Your Grove: Understanding Almond Pest Monitoring

One of the most persistent threats to almond production is the presence of insect pests. These unwelcome visitors can cause significant damage, reducing yields and impacting the quality of the almonds.

Understanding the Significance of Agricultural Insect Management

The battle against these crop-destroying pests is relentless and proper management requires the knowledge of entomologists, pest control advisors (PCAs), and crop advisors to provide accurate and actionable data.

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Wi-Fi HaLow’s range makes it ideal for large industrial sites and fields

Wi-Fi HaLow's range makes it ideal for large industrial sites and fields

Wi-Fi HaLow enhances range and penetration while fortifying security and power efficiency, making it a cornerstone technology for IoT use cases. It delivers the familiar benefits of the Wi-Fi standard, such as easy integration, native IP support, the latest Wi-Fi security measures such as WPA3, and extensive ecosystem support. Additionally, there is no need for proprietary hubs and gateways since HaLow is a standard. The choice of lower frequencies offers a compelling mix of extended range and robust penetration through physical obstacles. Moreover, the low-power aspect of the technology enables HaLow devices to be powered by coin-sized cell batteries for months and, in some cases, years.