Robotics Engineers Work to 'Bee' Part of the Climate Change Solution
The current prototype is a small, 3D-printed black plastic cube that's outfitted with four 2.5-inch propellors, a powerful camera, and a rechargeable lithium battery.
Drone Pollinates Apple Trees at LaFayette Orchard in What Could be a First
Scott Willis for WAER: It goes without saying that agriculture is heavily dependent on the weather, and nature. So when Beak and Skiff partner Peter Fleckenstein heard of a way to eliminate some of that uncertainty, he jumped at the chance.
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NORD Drivesystems - Screw Conveyor Package
The Screw Conveyor Package (SCP) from NORD is a compact, cost-effective solution with directly coupled gear motor or NEMA C-face input, eliminating the need for top motor mounts, pulleys, belts, and guards.