Robotics Engineers Work to 'Bee' Part of the Climate Change Solution

The current prototype is a small, 3D-printed black plastic cube that's outfitted with four 2.5-inch propellors, a powerful camera, and a rechargeable lithium battery.

Drone Pollinates Apple Trees at LaFayette Orchard in What Could be a First

Scott Willis for WAER: It goes without saying that agriculture is heavily dependent on the weather, and nature. So when Beak and Skiff partner Peter Fleckenstein heard of a way to eliminate some of that uncertainty, he jumped at the chance.

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NORD MAXXDRIVE Industrial Gear Units - Ideal for Heavy Duty Applications

NORD MAXXDRIVE Industrial Gear Units - Ideal for Heavy Duty Applications

Extremely high output torques, quiet running and a long service life: These are the excellent features of industrial gear units from NORD DRIVESYSTEMS. NORD MAXXDRIVE® industrial gear units provide high output torques from 132,000 lb-in to 2,495,900 lb-in and are perfect for use in heavy duty applications such as bucket elevators, agitators, conveyor belt drives, mixers, mills, drums or crushers. Industrial gear units are available as parallel helical gear units or bevel gear units. They are constructed, according to the UNICASE design principle that was developed by NORD. NORD is the industrial gear unit manufacturer with the world's largest UNICASE gear product.